Validate B2B

Validate B2B projects fast with confidence.

Validation Campaign

  • Up to 4000 personalized emails to 2000 contacts matching your ICP
  • Strategy, data, copy, email infrastructure, campaign management

Early bird pricing. Regular price $1790. Valid for the next 11 orders. No hidden fees. No subscription.


What if I'm not sure about my ICP?

We're happy to help. Each order includes a 60 minute discovery call where we talk about your project in detail and help you refine your ICP based on our experience running 1000+ campaigns for 200+ B2B companies.

What if I want to reach out to more than 2000 people?

We always recommend starting with 2000 contacts. After the first batch, you can decide to continue the campaign at a reduced rate.

What email infrastructure are you using?

We use already warmed-up email infrastructure. The domains used redirect to your project website in case someone visits them.

When does it make sense to order a validation campaign?

Validation campaigns are perfect when you want to validate the potential of a brand new project or a new feature, explore a new market, or test if cold email could be a viable channel for your business.

What happens if someone replies to one of my emails?

All replies are forwarded to you. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Unfiltered market feedback is essential to make data-driven decisions.

What data will be shared with me?

All data used for the campaign is shared with you. In addition, at the end of the campaign, we provide a detailed report with insights and recommendations.

Can you use my data and copy?

We prefer to use our own data and copy since only then we can guarantee the quality of the campaign. Without proper quality control, interpreting the results becomes extremely difficult. However, if there are good reasons for using your own data + copy, we're happy to use it.

Who's behind Validate B2B?

You can learn more about me at

What experience do you have?

We have run cold email campaigns for over 200 B2B companies.

Logos of companies we've worked with


Questions? Reach out at validate [at]